Pocket Routes

Eden Way eBook

eBook 2nd Edition

6-day, 88-mile walk following the River Eden from the Solway to its source, high in the fells of the Yorkshire Dales. The final book in the Rivers Trilogy.

This product includes two PDF files, one for the eBook and one for the eMaps, please ensure you download both.



6-day, 88-mile walk following the River Eden from the Solway to its source, high in the fells of the Yorkshire Dales. The final book in the Rivers Trilogy.

The eBook version of the guide is identical in content to the printed guide, and it comes in PDF format, which means it can be viewed on a mobile device or printed out. Note: the eBook version is not readable on Kindle devices, but you can purchase a Kindle version of this guide book on Amazon, using this link.

The guide book has 107 pages and contains all the information needed to plan and walk the route, including a village guide, maps and route descriptions. Each printed guide includes a full set of maps in PDF format, so they can be reproduced in full size for easier reading on the path, or viewing on a mobile device.

Additional information


eBook approx. 5Mb
eMaps approx 25Mb

File Format

PDF Format


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